Videos about Living Stones

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2016

Cezar's Hunt for Easter

Cezar (the tall one on the middle) is from Belem (Bethlehem, in English). Living Stones doesn't have a church or program in Belem, but any time possible, Pastor Flavio comes and brings the kids to join in at Cajueiro Claro. Cezar has made a decision for Christ, and Living Stones is working hard to grow that relationship.
Cezar and his family are the poorest in their needy community, and his father died tragically when he was young. Each Easter season, children from the International school help host an Easter Egg Hunt, where the Gospel is shared: an opportunity for everyone to hear. Last year was Cezar's first egg hunt ever, and he found so much more than just chocolate!
Help us provide Easter Celebrations for all of the communities that are reaching out to children like Cezar: children who wouldn't get a chance to celebrate Easter otherwise:

quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2016

Camila Leads the Worship Team

The second week of February is Carnaval in Brazil; filled with music, dancing, and danger for many at-risk children. Camila lives in the small town of Cajueiro Claro, where most locals spend Carnaval drunk or absent. Camila has grown up in the Living Stones program, and now leads the worship team at church. She wants the opportunity to go to church camp and share Jesus through her music.
Camila doesn't have the funds for camp. She is working hard to earn a scholarship by memorizing verses and reading books of the Bible. Church camp is the highlight of her year. It costs $30 to provide Camila and other growing leaders this scholarship opportunity: Join in at Carnaval Camp.

Eduardo Dreams of Playing Soccer

Christmas is a time for dreaming. Eduardo, who lives at the trash dump in Carpina, dreams of playing soccer. Not just at the strip of land next to the burning trash heaps, but on a team, where people get to come cheer and he might even get to wear shoes.
World Renewal Brazil has a dream: a Glory Sports complex where kids like Eduardo can come, play soccer (and other sports), and hear about Jesus. Living Stones is so excited about the doors this will open for the kids (like Eduardo) that they serve! 
A donor has offered $10,000 to put a roof on our soccer field. But this dream is to share: it is a 2 to 1 matching fund. We have $20,000 to raise. If you are interested in joining our dream, find out more at Glory Complex