Videos about Living Stones

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2015

Impact 2015: Timbauba

For the past couple of years, during summer break (early January), people (and many youth) from all of the Community Churches have gathered together for a time of training and then on-site application of Christian love, outreach, and evangelism. This year, their mission (IMPACT) was the town of Timbauba.
Whoever could camped out in tents or on the church floor in Timbauba, and during the days they would visit homes, do sports ministries, and serve. In the evenings, they set up street meetings, with mime, singing, and preaching the Gospel.
It was a lot of fun, a lot of work, and a lot of people. Seventy-seven people in Timbauba made decisions for Christ through this IMPACT. 
Thank you to all who served! This is such an important ministry not simply for Timbauba, but for the Community Churches, as they connect, get experience, and form lasting friendships with their sister churches. Praise the Lord for this unity! 

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