Videos about Living Stones

quinta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2013

We have 10 faithful sponsors to run 6 Living Stones programs

To provide for a program that regularly provides the nutritional and educational needs for 30-50 children, it costs $1000 monthly, or around $1 a day. Our child sponsorship program, giving $1 a day, provides the costs for one child. We currently have 10 faithful sponsors, and are surviving month to month off of personal one-time gifts and the creativity of the Brazilian churches.
Our current needs are great: we have two full-time programs running, and four programs that are doing the best they can without any funding. Giving to special programs such as birthday parties, trek for transportation, and literacy has been fantastic: but if we do not have faithful sponsors, we cannot continue. Living Stones in Guadalajara is currently on hold because the man running the program does not have enough money to ride the bus to get to the church.
We currently have no churches regularly supporting Living Stones. Our dream is to have churches from America partner with a church in Brazil to get them started in making a difference in their communities. Imagine, 30 people from your church signing up and being able to support your own program in Brazil. Each program has a blog, videos on Youtube, and a monthly e-newsletter to see and be informed. Missions trips can be planned. People can be connected with children and families in their sister church, and God’s glory can be multiplied.

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