Videos about Living Stones

sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011

Getting to Know Cajueiro Claro

Monday through Wednesday I (Rachel) am assisting Flavio at Cajueiro Claro. Walking. 4k (A little less, since we took a short cut). Each way. Both ways have an uphill. "30 minutes" Flavio says. He is even more of an optimist than I am. It is closer to 45 minutes.
 (see the light brown squiggly line? Our path)
Walking (with a breathtaking view) down (and up) little dirt pathways through the mata, which is the tropical forest/farm land under the hot sun, Cajueiro Claro is a little town where many of the houses are made from dirt. It feels like the middle of nowhere.
( The home of some of the kids)

The church is in dire need of some upkeep/repair (If you would like to help with this project, you can donate to Living Stones through It needs a fence, and to fix the busted widows. The government had been using the church as a school for this poor community (of about 1000 people), but decided that there were not enough children to justify it. Now the children are bused to the next town, but the school didn't leave the church in very good condition.

The basic plan is to come, have a short Bible story and sing, then go outside and play soccer/dodgeball. Most of the kids are over their shyness of me and reply to my “Good Morning” in English. One morning, Flavio shared a Bible story, and while explaining about the fruit of the Spirit, they didn't know what "selfish" meant. So he explained further, and just as he finished, a little voice from outside the window said "that's me! I am selfish!" and then ran away. Most of the kids find it hard to sit still for long, and are constantly moving around, peeking in the windows.
(L to R: Flavio, Gustavo, Marcela, Diego, Evanilson, and Paulo)
But as soon as Flavio gets out the guitar, a miracle happens. Everyone is quiet and attentive. The love the music. Every week they practice a song to sing/mime for church on Friday(Flavio also opens the church for a Friday night service for the community). It is amazing to watch these hardened children, old beyond their years, open like flowers to the music.
(L to R: Luiz, Evanilson, Edivaldo, Lucas)
And then soccer, barefoot in ze hot, hot sun. The field is dust and weeds, covered with ant hills and other sized holes. The kids kept putting their hands down the holes, once they saw I was worried that something would bite them down there. Next week I am hoping to add a second option to soccer...something less active that doesn't result in so much sunburn, sweat, and dirt in my toes. Like coloring.

Thank you for your prayers and support. If you are interested in giving to the Cajueiro Claro Living Stones project, or for a motorcycle for Flavio (so we can save time instead of walking, and have more time for the kids), you can donate at

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